Your Best Choices in the World of Natural Health

via Bryce Wylde




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“Bryce makes all of us wildly passionate about our health and shares accessible insights and achievable action steps to bring youthful vigour into all our lives.”

—Mehmet Oz, MD, Professor & Vice Chair, Surgery, NY Presbyterian/Columbia

“Bryce Wylde gives sensible, medically sound advice in this comprehensive manual on health, covering everything from optimum dietary habits to appropriate use of diagnostic tests and natural remedies for common problems. If you want to take greater control of your health, this book will be a great help.”

—Andrew Weil, MD

“I am a doctor, and a nut about fitness… We don’t know everything about the human body, but we know more than ever before. My friend Bryce Wylde has written a book that should be in your home today and will make you smarter about your own body. If you are wild about your health and want to take control, turn the page.”

—Sanjay Gupta, MD

Purchase the book!
From the bestselling author of The Antioxidant Prescription, Wylde on Health is Bryce Wylde’s response to the questions about natural medicine and requests for advice that he hears most often in clinical practice, during the course of Wylde on Health, his weekly television program, and in his regular appearances on The Doctor Oz Show, Cityline, Breakfast Television, The Marilyn Denis Show and Canada AM.
What exactly can we do in our daily lives to achieve the goal of being our healthiest self? Bryce Wylde sets out to answer that crucial question. He sorts out the confusing terminology used to describe natural medicine and leads us through a process of discovery by showing how state-of-the-art self-testing now permits us to properly assess where we’re vulnerable and where we’re not.
Wylde surveys and individually rates an array of present-day natural remedies and takes us on a guided tour of today’s hottest health trends, highlighting what is good and steering us away from what is dubious-or outright snake oil. Wylde makes a compelling case that in the face of the astronomical rise in disease and the ubiquity of nutrient-devoid foods, we have no choice but to supplement our diets with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants if we want to live to our full potential.
BRYCE WYLDE is the author of the national bestseller The Antioxidant Prescription. He graduated with a combined honours degree in biology and psychology from York University in Toronto. He went on to pursue a career in complementary alternative medicine and nutrition, graduating with a diploma in homeopathic medicine and health sciences (DHMHS) from the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine. Known as a world leader in complementary alternative health, Wylde is a highly knowledgeable and respected natural healthcare practitioner specializing in homeopathy, clinical nutrition and botanical medicine and whose focus is routed within functional medicine. Wylde began his television hosting career with CTV in early 2008 with the highly-rated weekly television show Wylde on Health. Wylde lectures frequently on the prevalence of junk science in the natural health world and has made it his mission to “debunk the junk.” Bryce Wylde tweets @wyldeonhealth out of Toronto.
For media inquiries, please contact Shona Cook at 647-788-3976 / [email protected]
For speaking engagements, please contact Rob McEwan at 416-968-7311 x242 / [email protected]
Wylde on Health: Your Best Choices in the World of Natural Health by Bryce Wylde
352 pages Trade Paperback | Random House Canada | 978-0-307-35587-4
For release: December 29, 2012 | $24.95

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