Do you suffer from chronic pain that tends to interfere with your sleep, such as arthritis or fibromyalgia? Or perhaps you have a muscle or joint injury that just won’t heal! These are some of the most common concerns expressed by patients to their doctors, but you’ll be
happy to know that these pain-infected days may be over. Bryce helps you find relief naturally!
Bryce revealed his ALL natural pain relief remedies Thursday, May 19, 2011, on the Marilyn Denis Show. For those of you who were unable to watch it here are some of the most effective treatments that Bryce spoke about:
Acute Pain:
Mountain Daisy (Arnica Montana ) and St.John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
Bryce quickly mentioned the use of the topical cream Traumeel to relieve acute injury and inflammation of muscles and joints. It is typically used to aid recovery from sprains, strains, bruises, nerve pain, swelling, and post-surgical pain. Traumeel’s pain reducing
effects are attributed to the herbs Arnica Montana and Hypericum perforatum. Another benefit of this ointment is it is free of any side effects that come with the use of anti-inflammatory creams.
Acute and Chronic Pain:
OJA Castor Oil Packs
Castor Oil has been used for centuries because of its fast acting ability to reduce pain and inflammation. The ability to create castor oil packs (or more properly referred to as compresses) makes it easy to focus on pain inflicted areas, such as the lower back, abdomen, neck, shoulder, knee and wrists. It’s especially great for those who suffer from Carpel Tunnel Syndorme. Bryce really likes the brand OJA. They manufacture varying sizes of compresses to suit the area you would like to focus on.
Chronic Pain:
California Poppy
California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica ) is one of the most exciting herbs on the market right now! It has been used historically to treat insomnia, aches and pains, nervous conditions, childhood enuresis, and bladder disorders. The herb is sometimes confused with the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum), but it does not produce opium. It is an opiate like substance that is non-habit forming! It has shown to be effective for the treatment of lower back pain, sciatica, dysmenorrhea, fibromyalgia, tension headaches and insomnia.
Devil’s Claw
Devil’s claw is a native plant of southern Africa (especially in the Kalahari Desert) Namibia, and Madagascar.It has been traditionally used an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Devil’s Claw has been very effective in clinical trials to reduce pain associated with the lower back, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia! No wonder it is a common ingredient in many joint formulas!
Preventative Care:
It wouldn’t be alternative medicine without providing you with preventative steps!
Omega 3 Fish Oils
Bryce emphasized the importance of consuming enough Omega 3 Fish Oils because of their important anti-inflammatory properties. The active ingredients’ EPA and DHA found in Omega 3 will reduce the occurrence of any inflammatory associated conditions. As Bryce mentioned, don’t let the size of the softgel fool you, he recommends taking 5 softgels twice a day to really reap all of the benefits of this super food!
Curcuma Longa
Curcumin, the active ingredient in the spice Turmeric, has been shown to be a very powerful anti-inflammatory which is excellent to prevent and treat any inflammatory condition especially osteoarthritis. It also possesses a high antioxidant content that has shown to have very promising anti-tumorigenic effects!
It is estimated that 75% of the population suffers from chronic pain, but this doesn’t mean you have to. Take control naturally. You have nothing to lose except for the pain!
If you would like more information about a product or would like to place an order please call 1- 800-960-6046 .
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