The 7 Guidelines of the Anti-Inflammatory Plan

via Bryce Wylde



Consider these facts:

1 in 5 people suffer from arthritis
1 in 10 suffer from diabetes
1 in 3 people will die from complications attributable to atherosclerosis.
What do all of these conditions have in common? Inflammation.
Inflammation is the body’s response to Injury, Infection, Irritation or Imbalance causing the symptoms of redness; soreness; heat; swelling and/or loss of function. When any four of these factors persist anywhere in the body, the affected tissues are not properly healed and the result is a chronic state of inflammation.
Chronic inflammation is at the root of most diseases. The great news is that we can heal or prevent chronic inflammation with an anti-inflammatory eating plan. The solution is in supporting your immune system with your next meal!
Bryce inspired me to write up some guidelines for the anti-inflammatory lifestyle to help you kick-start your healing this year. By following these quick tips, you can get inflammation in check and enjoy a long healthy life!
Tip #1: Balance your blood sugar and avoid eating high allergy foods such as wheat. According to American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, processed sugars and other high-glycemic starches increase inflammation. Eating foods that you are allergic to causes inflammation and destabilizes your insulin and blood sugar levels. A high level of insulin affects cortisol, which causes your body to hold on to and deposit fat rather than allowing you to burn it for energy.
Swap out sugar spiking breakfast cereals, bread and muffins with gluten free whole grains like quinoa, kasha, oats and brown rice.
Tip #2: Eat more berries. A study in the Journal of Nutrition showed that eating berries daily can significantly reduce inflammation. Blueberries are low on the glycemic index, packed with antioxidants and reduce cortisol.
Tip #3: Eat a Rainbow. Red radishes, orange yams, purple cabbage, and dark-green veggies are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants that dampen inflammation. Focus on cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and kale), which are also loaded with Indole 3 Carbonol. The sulfur in these veggies help detox the liver and make antioxidants.
Tip #4: Eat lean protein sources such as chicken, turkey, and wild game. Cut back on fatty red meat and full-fat dairy foods. Meat from grain-fed animals has virtually no omega-3s and more saturated fat. Foods containing arachidonic acid, such as eggs, organ meats (including liver, heart and giblets), beef and dairy products promote inflammation. When shopping look for free-range livestock that graze in pastures and chickens that have flax added to their feed, as they contain higher levels of omega-3s.
Tip #5: Give yourself an oil change. Avoid refined Trans-fat, Omega 6 oil (soy, corn and cottonseed oil) in cooking and increase Omega 3 foods and olive oil. Coldwater fish, including halibut, contain anti-inflammatory fats called omega-3s. Wild salmon has more of these super-healthy fats than does farmed salmon. Your best choices also include herring, sardines, and mackerel.
Olive oil is a great source of oleic acid, making it a powerful anti-inflammatory oil. Spanish Researchers reported in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition that people who consume more oleic acid have better insulin function and lower blood sugar. Toss the store-bought salad dressings and opt for olive oil-and-vinegar instead.
Tip #6: Change your cooking methods. Choose to poach, bake and steam.
Grilling creates polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Long-term health effects of exposure to PAHs may include cataracts, kidney and liver damage, and jaundice. Repeated skin contact to the PAH naphthalene can result in redness and inflammation of the skin.
Frying creates Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs), a protein bound to a glucose molecule, resulting in damaged, cross-linked proteins. As the body tries to break these AGEs apart, immune cells secrete large amounts of inflammatory cytokines. Many of the diseases that we think of as part of aging are actually caused by this process. Depending on where the AGEs occur, the result can be arthritis, heart disease, cataracts, memory loss, wrinkled skin or diabetes complications, to name a few.
Tip #7: Use more spices to flavour foods. A good example is turmeric. This spice contains a powerful, natural anti-inflammatory compound, according to a report in the August 2007 issue of Biochemical Pharmacology. Turmeric has long been part of curry spice blends, used in southern Asian cuisines.
Ginger is a relative of turmeric with its own amazing anti-inflammatory benefits. Research suggests that it might also help control blood sugar.

Julie Daniluk hosts Healthy Gourmet, a reality cooking show that highlights the ongoing battle between taste and nutrition by using unique groups such as bikers, dragon boat racers and ballroom dancers to challenge their taste buds with nutritious foods.
Julie’s fun and engaging style comes in handy when she creates recipes and articles that are packed with health tips for and Reader’s Digest. She recently was asked to appear on The Dr Oz Show sharing research on weight balance. Her soon to be published first book, Meals That Heal Inflammation (Random House), will help people enjoy allergy-free foods that taste great and assist the body in the healing process. For more information, visit

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