Common brand names:
Tranxene T-Tab, Tranxene-SDSummary of Interactions with Vitamins, Herbs, & Foods
Supportive Interactions
In a preliminary trial, an extract of periwinkle called vinpocetine was shown to produce minor improvements in short-term memory among people taking flunitrazepam, a benzodiazepine. Further study is needed to determine if vinpocetine would be a helpful adjunct to use of benzodiazepines, or clorazepate specifically.
VinpocetineClorazepate- Bhatti JZ, Hindmarch I. Vinpocetine effects on cognitive impairments produced by flunitrazepam. Int Clin Psychopharmacol 1987;2:325-31.
Explanation Required
Test tube studies show that L-tryptophan and clorazepate dipotassium interact in the blood in such a way that the actions of the drug may be enhanced when high amounts of L-tryptophan are ingested. Controlled research is needed to determine the significance of this interaction and to investigate possible interactions between clorazepate and 5-hydroxytryptophan, a supplement related to L-tryptophan.
L-TryptophanClorazepate- Coassolo P, Briand C, Bourdeaux M, Sari JC. Microcalorimetric method to determine competitive binding. Action of a psychotropic drug (dipotassium clorazepate) on L-tryptophan human serum albumin complex. Biochem Biophys Acta 1978;538:512-20.